Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
My Netbook Reflection 2013 By Taryn
This year I have found using my netbook to be successful. I have enjoyed using my netbook because... I have been successful with my individual blog. I can put any of my online work/experiences onto my individual blog. I can upload images onto my individual blog to suit my work that I’m putting onto my individual blog. Also I can make comments to other students individual blogs and other schools, which is good. I love having an individual blog to put all of my online learning on and to show the world what sorts of work we do in room five.
The barriers in using my netbook are... Forgetting my passwords. Whenever I go onto some websites like Wallwisher and Popplet I always forget my passwords. When I forget my passwords for some websites I have to reset my passwords and the site will send me my new password, but for the same account. Usually I use my normal password but when I go to type it in and press enter it says it’s wrong. So thats something that I don’t like about forgetting my passwords. Also it takes up too much time when I forget / resend for new passwords.
The interesting aspects / parts to using my netbook are.... I can do research on all sorts of different websites. The most websites I use to get my answers are wikipedia, answers.com and wiki answers. They are very helpful sites and they give you detailed answers. I love having a netbook to study on a topic like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Research is important and a netbook can always help you with researching and studying on an important piece of work. Another interesting part in using a netbook is that I can share my work with Miss Paton and other people that need it. Miss Paton can check my work and leave comments/feedback on what I need to change or what I’m doing good at.
The barriers in using my netbook are... Forgetting my passwords. Whenever I go onto some websites like Wallwisher and Popplet I always forget my passwords. When I forget my passwords for some websites I have to reset my passwords and the site will send me my new password, but for the same account. Usually I use my normal password but when I go to type it in and press enter it says it’s wrong. So thats something that I don’t like about forgetting my passwords. Also it takes up too much time when I forget / resend for new passwords.
The interesting aspects / parts to using my netbook are.... I can do research on all sorts of different websites. The most websites I use to get my answers are wikipedia, answers.com and wiki answers. They are very helpful sites and they give you detailed answers. I love having a netbook to study on a topic like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Research is important and a netbook can always help you with researching and studying on an important piece of work. Another interesting part in using a netbook is that I can share my work with Miss Paton and other people that need it. Miss Paton can check my work and leave comments/feedback on what I need to change or what I’m doing good at.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
My Bio Poem By Taryn
is: Sensible, Delightful, Sensitive, Responsible.
Daughter of: Kara and Hayden
Sister of: Armani, Zoey, Tayla and Zane
Lover: Music, Family, Life, Dancing and Cooking.
Who feels: tired at night when it’s getting late, sad when someone close to me has died and happy when my family supports me.
Who gives: Love to family and friends, presents to relatives for special occasions and support to family.
Who fears: Strangers, aggressive dogs, elevators
Who would like to see: England, America and trees growing money.
Who lives in: Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand
Last name: Hall
Thursday, 22 November 2012
My Popplet on Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart By Taryn
This is mine and Caitlins popplet on Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. We hope you like it and please leave comments on our indiviual blogs.
My painting reflection By Taryn
Art: Reflecting on my Abstract Painting
1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not? Yes I am very pleased with my abstract painting
2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting? I found ruling up the grid easy.
3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc. Painting within the lines
4. Who / What helped you when you were painting? Miss Paton helped me alot.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc. Nothing I am very happy with my piece of artwork.
6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting? Drawing shapes within the grid.
1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not? Yes I am very pleased with my abstract painting
2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting? I found ruling up the grid easy.
3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc. Painting within the lines
4. Who / What helped you when you were painting? Miss Paton helped me alot.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc. Nothing I am very happy with my piece of artwork.
6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting? Drawing shapes within the grid.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
My narrative on the old lady By Taryn
One sunny morning a healthy but weak 90 year old lady named Joanna went outside to water her garden and she saw some boys getting up to mischief outside. She just kept on watering her garden. Joanna had short grey hair with blue eyes and she was wearing a white short-sleeved t-shirt and some patterned shorts that went down to her knees.. The boys looked like they were about 11,12 and 13. Two of the boys had short black hair and brown eyes and the other boy had blonde hair and blue eyes. The boys started tagging the power poles of the street and the old lady saw them and she growled at them. She shouted “ YOU BOYS SHOULDN’T BE DOING GRAFFITI ON MY STREET OR ANYWHERE, YOU’D BETTER STOP OR I’LL CALL THE POLICE!”.
The kids weren’t even scared.They were teasing the old lady and saying “ Just because you're old you won’t call the police because if you do we will smash your house and you probably won’t be able to get in the door fast enough!”. The old lady was starting to get scared, she really just wanted to call the police but she was worried that they might smash her house. She was getting quite angry now because they were tagging on her street. So she ran as fast as she could quickly inside and rang the police. The boys weren’t paying much attention, so the old lady was fine. She said shakingly to the cops “ There are some boys tagging on the power poles on my street. Can you please come and arrest them quickly? They said if I call the police then they will smash my house. Please come quickly”.
The police came around the corner and saw the boys. The boys turned around and one of them said “ Boys, boys the old lady must have called the cops because look theres the police coming around the corner”. So they ran behind the old lady’s house. The old lady didn’t know though, so this was getting quite BAD. One of the boys climbed on top of her roof and started trying to make holes in her roof. One of the other boys smashed her garage windows and the last boy ruined her garden and pulled out the flowers and vegetables.
The police knew that the boys went behind the old lady’s house, so the police got out of their police car and ran around to the back of Joanna’s house. The other boys tried to quickly climb on top of Joanna’s house, but they were too late. The police quickly grabbed one of the boy’s legs and arrested him. The two other boys were already up on the top, so one of the police had to climb up and he grabbed the two boys by the back of their shirts and dragged them down to the ground. When the policeman was up on the roof, he saw the damage on the roof and he knew that it would have been done by one of the boys. So the police arrested all of them and took them to the police station. But first they had a look for anymore damage and they saw her garden was ruined and her garage windows were smashed and of course the roof had holes in it.
So the police had to ring up the boys’ parents and they had to meet them at the police station. The police took the boys to the police station and met the parents there. The boy’s had to do detention for the rest of the year and the parents had to fix the old lady’s house and plant her garden again. The boys did their detention for the rest of the year and the parents did what they had to do which was fix the old lady’s house.
Once they had fixed Joanna’s house it looked really different. It looked amazing, flash and it looked bigger than before. The old lady’s garden was beautiful and the garage was fixed but there were no windows on the garage. The police painted over the graffiti and the street looked nice. The old lady lived happily ever after and she never saw the boys again and the boys became sensible after their detention. Everyone was feeling HAPPY!
This is my narrative on the old lady. It is quite interesting! I hope you like it and please leave comments after reading my narrative.
The kids weren’t even scared.They were teasing the old lady and saying “ Just because you're old you won’t call the police because if you do we will smash your house and you probably won’t be able to get in the door fast enough!”. The old lady was starting to get scared, she really just wanted to call the police but she was worried that they might smash her house. She was getting quite angry now because they were tagging on her street. So she ran as fast as she could quickly inside and rang the police. The boys weren’t paying much attention, so the old lady was fine. She said shakingly to the cops “ There are some boys tagging on the power poles on my street. Can you please come and arrest them quickly? They said if I call the police then they will smash my house. Please come quickly”.
The police came around the corner and saw the boys. The boys turned around and one of them said “ Boys, boys the old lady must have called the cops because look theres the police coming around the corner”. So they ran behind the old lady’s house. The old lady didn’t know though, so this was getting quite BAD. One of the boys climbed on top of her roof and started trying to make holes in her roof. One of the other boys smashed her garage windows and the last boy ruined her garden and pulled out the flowers and vegetables.
The police knew that the boys went behind the old lady’s house, so the police got out of their police car and ran around to the back of Joanna’s house. The other boys tried to quickly climb on top of Joanna’s house, but they were too late. The police quickly grabbed one of the boy’s legs and arrested him. The two other boys were already up on the top, so one of the police had to climb up and he grabbed the two boys by the back of their shirts and dragged them down to the ground. When the policeman was up on the roof, he saw the damage on the roof and he knew that it would have been done by one of the boys. So the police arrested all of them and took them to the police station. But first they had a look for anymore damage and they saw her garden was ruined and her garage windows were smashed and of course the roof had holes in it.
So the police had to ring up the boys’ parents and they had to meet them at the police station. The police took the boys to the police station and met the parents there. The boy’s had to do detention for the rest of the year and the parents had to fix the old lady’s house and plant her garden again. The boys did their detention for the rest of the year and the parents did what they had to do which was fix the old lady’s house.
Once they had fixed Joanna’s house it looked really different. It looked amazing, flash and it looked bigger than before. The old lady’s garden was beautiful and the garage was fixed but there were no windows on the garage. The police painted over the graffiti and the street looked nice. The old lady lived happily ever after and she never saw the boys again and the boys became sensible after their detention. Everyone was feeling HAPPY!
This is my narrative on the old lady. It is quite interesting! I hope you like it and please leave comments after reading my narrative.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
My Comic life poster on Thanksgiving By Taryn
This is my comic life on Thanksgiving! Isabella and I have been doing a lot of hard work on this poster, so I hope you like it and please leave comments on my indiviual blog.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
My abstract artwork By Taryn
This is my abstract artwork. We have been looking at a famous artist named Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, he is a German artist and this is what one of his painting's look like but with different colours. I think I have done well and I hope you like my abstract artwork. Please leave comment's to my individual blog.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
My presentation on Thanksgiving by Taryn
This is my presentation on Thanksgiving. I hope you like it and have fun watching it.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
My own narrative by Taryn
The Friends And The Forest Hike.
One summers day there were three friends named Perrie, Danielle and Louise . Perrie had long straight brown hair and green eyes, Louise had short black hair and blue eyes and Danielle had curly long blonde hair and brown eyes. Perrie is always kind, Louise is helpful and Danielle smiles like a flower blooming and is always willing to help out.
The three friends decided to go on a hike in the forest. They packed a nice big lunch and some spare clothes. They then started their adventure. When they got into the forest they put their backpacks on and started to hike. When they got halfway into the forest it got as dark as the night sky and as scary as an ugly monster.. Louise was starting to get really scared she just wanted to turn around and go back home but they couldn’t because they were already halfway. There was no turning back now.
Then Perrie noticed something behind the trees, she screamed “ LOUISE, DANIELLE THERE IS SOMETHING BEHIND THOSE TREES!”. Danielle ran over and said “ Where?, where?” She panicked. Louise didn’t believe them, she was just minding her own business and playing with some sticks in one of the trees facing the other way because she just thought they were trying to scare her but they weren’t. This was real! Then Perrie and Danielle both screamed so loud at the same time and said “LOOK THERE IS SOMETHING RED THATS GLOWING BEHIND THOSE TREES!”.
Then they noticed it was a vicious bear, so they ran as fast as they could, but there was a problem: the bear got distracted by them running and started chasing after them. They had left Louise by herself. She still thought they were there until she turned around and saw that they were gone. It was silent. She was starting to get really, really scared. Then she heard Perrie scream.
She was happy that they weren’t too far away. She also was scared because her friend was screaming. She said to herself “ I better go and help them” So she did. She followed the sounds of the screaming and ran to them to help. She saw the vicious bear and screamed “ Oh my gosh you guys were right! There was something behind the bush!”
She went to help Perrie first because Perrie was in the bear’s paws. The bear had picked her up. Perrie and Danielle were panicking. Louise said “ Just stay there. Don’t move, I’m coming to save you!”. So Louise went on the top of a tree and made a swing from a vine. then she swung down and grabbed Perrie quickly out of the bears paws. Then Perrie Climbed to the top of the tree and helped Louise save Danielle. Danielle was on the bear’s head and she couldn’t get down so Louise had to do the same thing as what she did with Perrie. She swung down one more time and grabbed Danielle. Danielle and Perrie were very thankful to Louise because she had saved the day!
Then a man from Animal Rescue came and he saw the bear then he shot the bear with a dart gun to make it fall asleep so that he could put the bear in the truck and take it back to the wild. Luckily the girl’s weren’t hurt, just a bit sore but they got better and lived happily ever after! The End
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
My retelling of the Three Little Pigs story By Taryn
The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time there were three little pigs that lived with their mother. Their mother said “ You all are big enough and mature enough to move out of this house now, it’s getting too crowded in here”. So the three little pigs set out on a journey. The first little pig made his house out of hay, the second little pig made his house out of wood and the third little pig made his house out of bricks.
The big bad wolf came and said to the first little pig “ Little pig let me in, let me in”. The first little pig said “NO not by the hair on my chinny chin chin”. The big bad wolf said “ If you don’t I’ll huff and I’ll puff until I blow your house down” , then he did. So the big bad wolf went to the second little pig’s house.
The big bad wolf said to the second little pig “ Let me in, let me in”. The second little pig said “ NO not by the hair on my chinny chin chin”. So the big bad wolf said “ If you don’t i’ll huff and I’ll puff until I blow your house down”. The second little pig did not let him in so the big bad wolf blew his house down, the big bad wolf ran to the third little pig house.
The big bad wolf said to the third little pig “ Let me in, let me in” and the third little pig said “NO not by the hair on my chinny chin chin”. So the big bad wolf said “if you don’t I’ll huff and I’ll puff until I blow your house down”. The third little pig still didn’t let him in, so the big bad wolf tried to blow down his house but it was too strong. So the big bad wolf went down the chimney and ended up in the boiling hot pot at the bottom of the chimney. The wolf was hurt but the three little pigs were safe and lived happily ever after.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Monday, 3 September 2012
My Space timeline
Sunday, 2 September 2012
My letter to Miss Paton
Panmure Bridge School
76 Kings road, Panmure
Dear Miss Paton,
Room 5 have all been missing you. We have all been good!! How have you been? Can you believe that you have been away for two weeks already. How has it been in London? Mr Blackmore has been really nice and has taught us a lot of things. We have been learning our times tables, our space work and have been doing our space art.
Some people went to the Soccer Tournament on Wednesday the 29th of August 2012. I stayed at school with Pace, Caitlin, Liantre, Isabella and a few other people. We stayed in Room 7 with Miss Sayers, it was fun. The year sevens came first equal with Glen Innes. We have also been having Soccer lessons every Thursday after lunch with a man called Melingo. It is also really fun.
That’s all that has really been happening at school. I will write another letter to you again soon.
Your sincerely,
This is my letter to Miss Paton!! I hope you like it and please leave comments.
76 Kings road, Panmure
Dear Miss Paton,
Room 5 have all been missing you. We have all been good!! How have you been? Can you believe that you have been away for two weeks already. How has it been in London? Mr Blackmore has been really nice and has taught us a lot of things. We have been learning our times tables, our space work and have been doing our space art.
Some people went to the Soccer Tournament on Wednesday the 29th of August 2012. I stayed at school with Pace, Caitlin, Liantre, Isabella and a few other people. We stayed in Room 7 with Miss Sayers, it was fun. The year sevens came first equal with Glen Innes. We have also been having Soccer lessons every Thursday after lunch with a man called Melingo. It is also really fun.
That’s all that has really been happening at school. I will write another letter to you again soon.
Your sincerely,
This is my letter to Miss Paton!! I hope you like it and please leave comments.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
My Bar Graph on America's winning sports
This is my bar graph on America's Winning medals. Swimming has won the most medals with the total of 31 medals and Archery, Cycling - Mountain bike, Cycling - road, Volleyball and Waterpolo have the least medals which equals up to one medal each.America has done very well in the London 2012 Olympic Games. I hope you like my bar graph on America's winning sports and please leave comments on my blog.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
My Valerie Adams Report
Valerie Adams is a famous New Zealand Shot putter. She lives in Switzerland. She has won many gold medals and has broken lots of world records. She is in the 2012 London Olympic games.
Valerie Adams was born on the 6th of October 1984 in Rotorua, New Zealand. Her mother is Tongan and her father is English. Her mother’s name is Lilika Ngauamo and her fathers name is Sydney Adams, she also has several brothers that are 7 ft tall. She belongs to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints.
Coaches: Her first coach was Kirsten Hellier. She was a well known javelin thrower. They met in 1998 and were together for 11 years.
Her second coach was Didier Poppe.
In 2010 Jean Pierre Egger became her third coach and she has done very well under him.
Her height is 6 ft 5 = 1.96 metres.
Her weight is 120 kilograms.
She is a very tall person.
She was a very shy child. She was good at basketball when she was at school. She also went to a high school in Mangere. This was the school that her P.E. teacher noticed her throwing talent and he inspired her to be a good athlete.
Achievements: She broke the record for shot put in bare feet in the Junior Championships.
Won Gold medals at the 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth Games.
Won Gold at the Beijing 2008 games.
In Jamaica she threw a shot put at 17.73m.
Won Silver at the Commonwealth Games with 17.45m.
Her personal best outdoor is 21.24m thrown in 2011.
Her personal best Indoor is 20.54m thrown in 2012.
She has lots of achievements and is a really really GOOD Shot putter!! As I have told you she has won many gold medals!! She has made New Zealand PROUD!!
Thursday, 26 July 2012
My Maths whizz results
This is my maths whizz results!! I'm glad that I moved a bit but I hope to do better next time! Please leave comments and check out the other cool stuff on my blog!!
Monday, 23 July 2012
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
My popplet on what I know about the Olympic games
This is my Popplet!! It's on what I know about the Olympics!! It's got the different athletes and different sports they have in the Olympics. I hope you enjoy my popplet and please comments on my individual blog.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
My art hot air balloon reflection by Taryn
This is my hot air balloon reflection.I hope you like it and please leave comments!
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
My instructions for making a jet propelled cable car
These are my cable car instructions. I hope you use these steps for making a cable car and please make comments!! Thank you
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
How far can your Jet Propelled Cable Car Travel?
This is my bar graph on Cable cars! Tyler's cable car travelled the furthest. His cable car travelled 8 metres! Fine's cable car travelled the shortest distance. Her cable car travelled 3 metres long. I hope you enjoy my bar graph and please leave comments!!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
My Paper Plane Bar Graph.
this is my bar graph on Room 5's Paper plane challenge! Piripi threw his paper plane the furtherest. He threw his paper plane 11.16 metres. San Tat threw his Paper plane the shortest he threw his paper plane 2 Metres. I hope you enjoyed it and please leave comments.
Monday, 7 May 2012
My Mothers Day Wordle
This is my wordle on Mothers day!! Happy Mothers day mum! I hope that everybody has a nice Mothers day. Please comment on this wordle on Mothers day. Thank you
My Origami Paper Crane Reflection.
Please write detailed answers, as reflecting helps you build understanding with your learning.
1. Are you pleased with your origami crane? why?
Yes because I like the colour of it and also liked how it looked.
2. What part did you find easy? why / why not?
The first few steps because all you had to do was fold the paper into squares, triangles and quarters. I have had plenty of practise doing this.
3. What part did you find tricky / difficult? Why / why not?
The 5th step because you had to fold and squash the paper. It was hard
4. Who / What helped you in making your Origami Crane?
Pace, Isabella and Miss Paton helped me.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about folding, listening, persistence (not giving up) etc.
I would try to do all of the steps by myself, without anybody helping me.
This is my origami crane reflection. I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
The Mintie Challenge: How long is your Mintie Wrapper?
This is my Mintie Challenge bar graph! San Tat has the longest Mintie Wrapper. His Mintie Wrapper was 97cm. Raymond had the shortest Mintie Wrapper. His Mintie Wrapper was 5cm. I think he got the shortest Mintie Wrapper because He hasn't had much experience with Mintie Wrappers.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
How to make Delicous chocolate Easter eggs!
How to make Divine and Scrumptious chocolate Easter Eggs.
Ingredients list: 1 packet of Nestle chocolate melts
1 Kettle,
1 Saucepan
* Water
A Plate
Spoons and bread and butter knives
Tin foil
Method:- action verbs / bossy words
1. Fill up the kettle with water and let it boil.
2. Pour the water into a saucepan.
3. Cover the saucepan with a plate.
4. Add the chocolate melts onto the plate.
5. Stir the chocolate melts until they are melted.
6. Spoon the melted chocolate into the molds.
7. Put the molds with the melted chocolate into the fridge. Leave the molds in the fridge for about 2-3 hours.
8. Take the chocolate molds out of the fridge.
9. Check to make sure that the chocolate Easter eggs are hard.
10. Turn the molds over and tap the chocolates out of the molds.
11. Wrap the chocolate Easter eggs in tin foil.
Ingredients list: 1 packet of Nestle chocolate melts
1 Kettle,
1 Saucepan
* Water
A Plate
Spoons and bread and butter knives
Tin foil
Method:- action verbs / bossy words
1. Fill up the kettle with water and let it boil.
2. Pour the water into a saucepan.
3. Cover the saucepan with a plate.
4. Add the chocolate melts onto the plate.
5. Stir the chocolate melts until they are melted.
6. Spoon the melted chocolate into the molds.
7. Put the molds with the melted chocolate into the fridge. Leave the molds in the fridge for about 2-3 hours.
8. Take the chocolate molds out of the fridge.
9. Check to make sure that the chocolate Easter eggs are hard.
10. Turn the molds over and tap the chocolates out of the molds.
11. Wrap the chocolate Easter eggs in tin foil.
Monday, 30 April 2012
My multiplication results
I have been learning my five times tables! This is my results. Check out my results and please leave comments.
My comment to Pace
This is my comment to Pace! It is on her wordle about up, up and away. Please check out my comment and leave some more comments on my blog.
My comment to Caitin
This is my comment to Caitlin! It is on her mintie challenge bar graph. Check out my comment and leave some more comments on my blog!
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Taryns wallwisher about Attributes to look for in a friend!
This is my wallwisher about attributes to look for in a friend? I have got 20 posts so far so please enjoy
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Taryn's Terrific Tapa Reflection
Reflecting on my Tapa Cloth
1. Are you pleased with your Tapa Cloth? why / why not?
Yes I am very happy with my Tapa because I like the way the patterns are arranged. and I also like it because I put a lot of hard work and time into the Tapa.
2. What did you find easy when you were creating your Tapa?
I found that drawing the grid was quite easy.
3. What did you find tricky when you were creating your Tapa?
I found that drawing my Koru pattern was quite hard to draw
4. If you made another Tapa, what would you change and why?
I would change the big pattern in the middle because it is kind hard to draw.
5. Who / What has helped you in creating your Tapa?
The teacher helped me with some of the parts but I did the rest.
6. Did you use any of your own cultural patterns in your own Tapa? Which ones? What do they mean? If you didn’t use your cultural patterns, what did patterns did you use? Where did they come from?I used a Koru pattern for the middle. The Koru pattern didn’t come from anywhere I just thought it looked nice in the photo so that’s why I chose the koru pattern.
7. What geometric elements does your Tapa Cloth show? Reflection, Rotation, Translation. A little bit of reflection and that’s about it.
This is my Tapa reflection I have been working very hard on it so please enjoy!
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Birthday Bar Graph Room 5
September is the most celebrated month for birthdays in room 5. November is the least celebrated month for birthdays in room 5. January, February, March, May, June and December are celebrated the same amount of times in room 5. So are April July and October they are celebrated the same amount of times in room 5.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
What an adventure!
WOW! What an adventure! Soft green grass, tall brown trees, cliffs towering and beautiful blue skies. It’s great! Wonderful sand covered in shells (very pretty).
On Monday February 27th 2012, Panmure Bridge School went to the fabulous Eastern Beach. It was my very first time, so I was very excited. When everybody arrived at school we called the roll and then went outside to line up. There was some parent helpers that came for the picnic too. Once we had lined up we went out onto the school driveway and waited for the buses to arrive. We were waiting for the buses for about 10-15 minutes. Finally when the buses arrived outside of our school we all piled on and started our journey. When we were sitting on the bus I sat by Alazay and Fine. We played on Alazay’s connect four game and we talked. When we had arrived at Eastern Beach we all walked off the bus.
We sat down on the nice soft green grass and ate our morning-tea. When we all had finished our morning-tea we went to play on the grass. Every class had to wait for Mr Johnston to call them out to put on their togs and get a life jacket on. While I was waiting I played with my friends Liantre, Alazay, Jhardae and Germaine. It was a lot of fun!
Finally our class was called . So we all went to put on our togs and get our life jackets on. When everyone was ready we ran into the water. It was freezing. I felt like I was in a big ice block. We were wearing life jackets so we could practise floating. With a life jacket on I could float on my tummy and back. A few minutes later Alazay and I took off our life jackets and went for a quick swim.
When we had finished swimming we got out of the water and went to go get dressed. When we had finished getting dressed we ran out of the changing rooms and ran to Alazay’s auntie, mum and baby brother and had lunch. 20 minutes later we both went to play on the sand. On the sand Alazay made an mermaid. It looked really cool. After we played on the sand we ran around on the grass. In a couple of hours everybody packed up their gears and we lined up in our class lines. All of the teachers called their roll to make sure everyone was there. Some of the people in my class got apples. About 5 minutes later we all walked over to the buses and got on. When we were driving back to school on the bus I sat by Alazay and Caitlin. As we arrived at school all of the classes walked off the buses and went to there classes. When our class got to class we all shared ideas about the picnic. It was such an amazing day.
When we had finished swimming we got out of the water and went to go get dressed. When we had finished getting dressed we ran out of the changing rooms and ran to Alazay’s auntie, mum and baby brother and had lunch. 20 minutes later we both went to play on the sand. On the sand Alazay made an mermaid. It looked really cool. After we played on the sand we ran around on the grass. In a couple of hours everybody packed up their gears and we lined up in our class lines. All of the teachers called their roll to make sure everyone was there. Some of the people in my class got apples. About 5 minutes later we all walked over to the buses and got on. When we were driving back to school on the bus I sat by Alazay and Caitlin. As we arrived at school all of the classes walked off the buses and went to there classes. When our class got to class we all shared ideas about the picnic. It was such an amazing day.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
All about me: Taryn
Hi, my name is Taryn and I am 10 years old. I just moved to Auckland from Whangarei. I am in room 5 and I am a year 6 this year. In my spare time I like playing with my baby brother.
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