
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

My Netbook Reflection 2013 By Taryn

This year I have found using my netbook to be successful. I have enjoyed using my netbook because... I have been successful with my individual blog. I can put any of my online work/experiences onto my individual blog. I can upload images onto my individual blog to suit my work that I’m putting onto my individual blog. Also I can make comments to other students individual blogs and other schools, which is good. I love having an individual blog to put all of my online learning on and to show the world what sorts of work we do in room five.

 The barriers in using my netbook are... Forgetting my passwords. Whenever I go onto some websites like Wallwisher and Popplet I always forget my passwords. When I forget my passwords for some websites I have to reset my passwords and the site will send me my new password, but for the same account. Usually I use my normal password but when I go to type it in and press enter it says it’s wrong. So thats something that I don’t like about forgetting my passwords. Also it takes up too much time when I forget / resend for new passwords.

 The interesting aspects / parts to using my netbook are.... I can do research on all sorts of different websites. The most websites I use to get my answers are wikipedia, and wiki answers. They are very helpful sites and they give you detailed answers. I love having a netbook to study on a topic like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Research is important and a netbook can always help you with researching and studying on an important piece of work. Another interesting part in using a netbook is that I can share my work with Miss Paton and other people that need it. Miss Paton can check my work and leave comments/feedback on what I need to change or what I’m doing good at.