One sunny morning a healthy but weak 90 year old lady named Joanna went outside to water her garden and she saw some boys getting up to mischief outside. She just kept on watering her garden. Joanna had short grey hair with blue eyes and she was wearing a white short-sleeved t-shirt and some patterned shorts that went down to her knees.. The boys looked like they were about 11,12 and 13. Two of the boys had short black hair and brown eyes and the other boy had blonde hair and blue eyes. The boys started tagging the power poles of the street and the old lady saw them and she growled at them. She shouted “ YOU BOYS SHOULDN’T BE DOING GRAFFITI ON MY STREET OR ANYWHERE, YOU’D BETTER STOP OR I’LL CALL THE POLICE!”.
The kids weren’t even scared.They were teasing the old lady and saying “ Just because you're old you won’t call the police because if you do we will smash your house and you probably won’t be able to get in the door fast enough!”. The old lady was starting to get scared, she really just wanted to call the police but she was worried that they might smash her house. She was getting quite angry now because they were tagging on her street. So she ran as fast as she could quickly inside and rang the police.
The boys weren’t paying much attention, so the old lady was fine. She said shakingly to the cops “ There are some boys tagging on the power poles on my street. Can you please come and arrest them quickly? They said if I call the police then they will smash my house. Please come quickly”.
The police came around the corner and saw the boys. The boys turned around and one of them said “ Boys, boys the old lady must have called the cops because look theres the police coming around the corner”. So they ran behind the old lady’s house. The old lady didn’t know though, so this was getting quite BAD. One of the boys climbed on top of her roof and started trying to make holes in her roof. One of the other boys smashed her garage windows and the last boy ruined her garden and pulled out the flowers and vegetables.
The police knew that the boys went behind the old lady’s house, so the police got out of their police car and ran around to the back of Joanna’s house. The other boys tried to quickly climb on top of Joanna’s house, but they were too late. The police quickly grabbed one of the boy’s legs and arrested him. The two other boys were already up on the top, so one of the police had to climb up and he grabbed the two boys by the back of their shirts and dragged them down to the ground.
When the policeman was up on the roof, he saw the damage on the roof and he knew that it would have been done by one of the boys. So the police arrested all of them and took them to the police station. But first they had a look for anymore damage and they saw her garden was ruined and her garage windows were smashed and of course the roof had holes in it.
So the police had to ring up the boys’ parents and they had to meet them at the police station.
The police took the boys to the police station and met the parents there. The boy’s had to do detention for the rest of the year and the parents had to fix the old lady’s house and plant her garden again.
The boys did their detention for the rest of the year and the parents did what they had to do which was fix the old lady’s house.
Once they had fixed Joanna’s house it looked really different. It looked amazing, flash and it looked bigger than before. The old lady’s garden was beautiful and the garage was fixed but there were no windows on the garage. The police painted over the graffiti and the street looked nice. The old lady lived happily ever after and she never saw the boys again and the boys became sensible after their detention. Everyone was feeling HAPPY!
This is my narrative on the old lady. It is quite interesting! I hope you like it and please leave comments after reading my narrative.